
You can always set up each workflow by going to the workflow > settings menu. There are three sections in the settings menu:


  • Error Tracking: Choose what to do in the event of a workflow error.

  • Running Mode: Choose to execute the workflow from a pop-up dashboard or in the background.

  • Alarms: Turn alarms on/off when workflow stops.

  • Debuging: Run the workflow using the Chrome DevTools Protocol.

  • Autocomplete: Activates autocomplete in each block input.

  • Reuse State: Use the state data such as tables, variables, and global data from the last run.

  • Save Logs: Keep logs of the workflow.

  • Show Executed Block: Show the block the workflow executes on the webpage at this moment. Note that this option only displays blocks in the "Web interaction" category (for example, Click Element and Forms blocks).

  • Public ID: The public ID of the workflow that can be used in the execution of the workflow using Javascript CustomEvent.

When selecting "pop-up" or "background" for workflow execution, some features and benefits will not be available.


  • Insert into Default Column: Insert the data into the default column if no column is chosen within the block or if the column does not exist.

  • Default Column Name: The name of the default column.


  • Block Delay: Add a delay before running each block.

  • Tab Load Timeout: Maximal tab loading time in milliseconds.

Last updated