Upload File Block

Upload file into an <input type="file"> element.

  • Element selector Selector for the <input type="file"> element.

  • File path The absolute path, the URL, or the base64 of the file you want to upload.


You must turn on the "Allow access to file URLs" option to enable this block to work.

  • Open chrome://extensions

  • Find GoLess and click the "Detail" button

  • Scroll down and turn on "Allow access to file URLs"

Find the Upload File Selector

Usually, the element for uploading the file is obscured. Therefore, you can use the Element Picker to select it and use the Recording feature to find the upload file element.

  1. Start to record

  2. Upload a file and stop recording

  3. Clean the other blocks, such as the click element, which causes the website to open a file selector window. It is not required when using the upload file block.

Please note:

This block cannot function without an active tab. For this reason, use the Active Tab block or the New Tab block before using this one.

Last updated